It was not a difficult tasks this time around, to trace the food chain of the Polyface produce and meats - since everything is raised/grown and processed all in one place - unlike corn.
Ironically, all this this wholesome, naturally-grown-without-pesticides-or-additive plants and animals have a tough time being approved by the USDA because it is "unconventional." Again, from the perspective that the author is presenting, which is that from the farmer's time, is irrational. The reason? because, again, it does not comply to "industry" standards.
From this point of view, it would seem like that the consumers would rather ritually follow the rules of the society, the industry, or the government, rather than taking in what is natural, what is actually good for us.
Both the author and Salatin agreed that the products from a grass farm is expensive. However, the customers buying these foods are surprisingly, not of the upper class - just low key, everyday citizens driving Chevrolets.
source: Fairfax Digital
Here, Salatin shares more of his philosophy with the author, he believes that the healthiest of foods are the ones that are traded between just two parties, plain and simple. And that most Americans have put less importance on food - spending less money on foods today as compared to 1950's.
An important point of view presented is that, whilst most people are concerned with who their car mechanic is, and who the house contractor is, they are not concern about who grows their food. In addition, people are willing to pay for the maximum value that their car is worth, but not their food. The only explanation I can think of is - ad campaigns and a national hidden agenda - growing up, most people's notion of a farm is that of Polyfaces - animals living happily in barns, cows eating grass, people were never told growing up that the beef they're eating is sitting in their own filth in a feedlot. So under this illusion, most people do not bother to examine their food source. Even if they do find out, they are already so used to the industrial food process, that they retain status quo on food out of a long habit.
source: platypuscomix
All Salatin hopes for, is that, his food supplies will become a healthier alternative for those interested. Not to become a primary food source for Americans - it would be impossible for people living in cities to do this.
So at the day, this chapter reminds me of something that a TED speaker mentioned, industrial bread is to feed the food. In other words, (beyond) organic foods is for the yuppie.